How To Install Android Kitkat Version 4.4.2 On PC/Laptop Using Virtual Box

Features of Android Kitkat 4.4.2 -
1) Support for Restricted Profiles
2) OpenGL ES 3.0 for High-Performance Graphics
3) Bluetooth Smart Ready support
4) Notification Access
Download -
After Downloading, Just follow below instructions carefully -
STEP 1 :- Install VirtualBox on your PC.
STEP 2 :- Open VirtualBox and select New. In the dialog box enter the name as your wish and
select -
i) Type : Linux
ii) Version : Other Linux
and select Next
STEP 3 :- In the next dialog box enter the memory size as your wish.
Note :- Minimum 1 GB required for KitKat and select Next.
STEP 4 :- In the next dialog box select create a virtual hard drive now. Then select VDI and select fixed or dynamically allocated as your wish and create the virtual drive.
Note :- Mininimum 1 GB required for installation.
STEP 5 :- Select Virtual device and select settings, a dialog box appears. In the dialog box select -
i) Storage->Storage Tree->Empty
ii) In the attributes section select the Android 4.4 iso file you downloaded and check Live Cd/Dvd, then click Ok.
Installation Screen Shot 1 | In HAX
STEP 6 :- Then start the virtual device. In the screen select Install Android-x86 to hard disk.
STEP 7 :- In the next screen select Create/Modify Partition.
STEP 8 :- Then create a new primary bootable partition and select write. After finishing writing select quit.
STEP 9 :- Then install android in sda1 and select type as ext3 , choose yes for installing grub.
STEP 10 :- After installing remove live iso from VirtualBox and reboot. Now you canboot into Android 4.4 .
You have Done!
Now enjoy your Android Experience…..
TitleHow To Install Android Kitkat Version 4.4.2 On PC/Laptop Using Virtual Box
DescriptionFeatures of Android Kitkat 4.4.2 - 1) Support for Restricted Profiles 2) OpenGL ES 3.0 for High-Performance Graphics 3) Bluetooth Smart Read...
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